What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction comes out of an ancient tradition of holy listening and whose roots are found in many world religions.
The intentional companioning, in a safe and sacred space, provides an opportunity for the individual to explore their personal and spiritual life story in the context of seeking wholeness and a deeper personal relationship with the Divine (Spirit, Mystery, God…).
The director doesn’t really direct you as much as guide you to be attentive to your own desires and what life is asking of you at this time. Although personal difficulties, losses, hurts and joys may be part of the conversation with the spiritual director, it is not psychotherapy or counselling but rather a mutual listening for the presence and action of the Divine in your life.
The opportunity to pause and ponder is available to you whether you are new to this process, have had some experience with spiritual direction, or you value this kind of relationship as part of your ongoing journey.
Spiritual direction can be a valuable support for you on your journey – whether moving through a season of doubt, noticing an invitation to live more deeply this relationship, or developing a new awareness about yourself.
Our team of spiritual directors at Loretto Maryholme offer this ministry out of the wisdom formed by their own spiritual journey and deep relationship with the Divine, coupled with formal training and theological education.
To learn more about Spiritual Direction, check out Spiritual Directors international www.sdiworld.org
What to Expect in a Typical Encounter:
Spiritual Direction comes out of an ancient tradition of holy listening and whose roots are found in many world religions.
The intentional companioning, in a safe and sacred space, provides an opportunity for the individual to explore their personal and spiritual life story in the context of seeking wholeness and a deeper personal relationship with the Divine (Spirit, Mystery, God…).
The director doesn’t really direct you as much as guide you to be attentive to your own desires and what life is asking of you at this time. Although personal difficulties, losses, hurts and joys may be part of the conversation with the spiritual director, it is not psychotherapy or counselling but rather a mutual listening for the presence and action of the Divine in your life.
The opportunity to pause and ponder is available to you whether you are new to this process, have had some experience with spiritual direction, or you value this kind of relationship as part of your ongoing journey.
Spiritual direction can be a valuable support for you on your journey – whether moving through a season of doubt, noticing an invitation to live more deeply this relationship, or developing a new awareness about yourself.
Our team of spiritual directors at Loretto Maryholme offer this ministry out of the wisdom formed by their own spiritual journey and deep relationship with the Divine, coupled with formal training and theological education.
To learn more about Spiritual Direction, check out Spiritual Directors international www.sdiworld.org
What to Expect in a Typical Encounter:
- The time usually begins with a welcome and a grounding/centring practice that enables you to sink into the sacred space.
- You are invited to bring the fullness of yourself and whatever is in your heart and mind at that moment. The Divine operates in all areas of our lives so, whether that is a question, a thought, an uncomfortable feeling, a prayer, a joy, or a suffering all are welcome as avenues to exploring how the Spirit is at work in your life.
- The director will engage in attentive deep listening to your story, while offering their noticings, thoughtful questions, and silence in service to your spiritual journey.
- The time may include engaging in a deepening contemplative practice. A prayer/poem/article may be offered for further exploration in between sessions. Moments of silence may occur as you reflect on what has been said or is moving in you at that moment.
- During a three-day retreat the opportunity to meet once with a director for an hour is part of the retreat. For longer retreats the opportunity to meet for a briefer period (20 -40 minutes) each day is part of the retreat.
- For an ongoing spiritual direction relationship, it is suggested that 4 to 6 weeks is an appropriate timeframe to meet regularly. If you are able, please consider a monetary offering (cash, cheque, eft to [email protected]) to Loretto Maryholme.

Guest testimony:
"This (spiritual direction) is the "diamond" of these (Silent Retreat) days. This was my first-ever experience, and it was so helpful. I'll be back for more!"
- 2025 -