One Billion Rising dance party at Maryholme! Loretto Maryholme was pleased to participate in the OneBillionRising Event
http://www.onebillionrising.org/ on Feb 14 2013.
This was a global event aimed at encouraging women and men to strike, rise and dance in support of ending violence against women.
We gathered in front of the fire and reflected on this issue briefly and then headed outside to dance. It was both meaningfull and a whole lot of fun! We ended the evening inside sharing hotr cider and the treats that everyone contributed.
Many thanks to Janice Turner and Lois Hayes, for their enthuisiastic help with the planning and for bringing their wonderful puppets. And to Erin Wrightson for volunteering her time
and talents and for leading us in the dance.
"There is within each one of us a potential for goodness beyond our imagining; for giving which seeks no reward; for listening without judgement; for loving unconditionally." Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
http://www.onebillionrising.org/ on Feb 14 2013.
This was a global event aimed at encouraging women and men to strike, rise and dance in support of ending violence against women.
We gathered in front of the fire and reflected on this issue briefly and then headed outside to dance. It was both meaningfull and a whole lot of fun! We ended the evening inside sharing hotr cider and the treats that everyone contributed.
Many thanks to Janice Turner and Lois Hayes, for their enthuisiastic help with the planning and for bringing their wonderful puppets. And to Erin Wrightson for volunteering her time
and talents and for leading us in the dance.
"There is within each one of us a potential for goodness beyond our imagining; for giving which seeks no reward; for listening without judgement; for loving unconditionally." Elizabeth Kubler-Ross