Welcome to our first official 'Blessings Blog'!
Why a blog? Loretto Maryholme is more than the ordinary!
We understand how busy lives have become, this way if you are interested you can have a quick peek to see what's new and if anything interest you.
It is a welcoming way to share our event photos as well as share a few details about future events.
From time to time we hope to share experiences and even a garden tip or recipe or two!
We promise to keep it peaceful, as that is what we do best
at Loretto maryholme...
Our mission is to encourage individuals and groups
to explore and restore the energies needed for their personal
and communal transformation.
We will do our best to keep you informed regarding up coming events you won't want to miss!
"In every moment of genuine love we are dwelling in GOd and God in us." Paul Tillich
Please enjoy the Winter beauty that is Maryholme:
*We promise to post warmer photos as Spring gets closer!
Why a blog? Loretto Maryholme is more than the ordinary!
We understand how busy lives have become, this way if you are interested you can have a quick peek to see what's new and if anything interest you.
It is a welcoming way to share our event photos as well as share a few details about future events.
From time to time we hope to share experiences and even a garden tip or recipe or two!
We promise to keep it peaceful, as that is what we do best
at Loretto maryholme...
Our mission is to encourage individuals and groups
to explore and restore the energies needed for their personal
and communal transformation.
We will do our best to keep you informed regarding up coming events you won't want to miss!
"In every moment of genuine love we are dwelling in GOd and God in us." Paul Tillich
Please enjoy the Winter beauty that is Maryholme:
*We promise to post warmer photos as Spring gets closer!